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PD&E Drainage

I-95 from I-295 and SR 152 (Baymeadows Road) to SR 202 (J. Turner Butler Boulevard)

Client: FDOT District Two
Location: Duval County

PD&E drainage analysis and Pond Siting Report for the widening for an auxiliary lane for 1.6 miles of limited access highway and widening and reconstruction of 6.3 miles of limited access highway to provide express lanes. Coordination with SJRWMD to determine pollutant loading criteria. Evaluation of offsite wet detention ponds. Limited options due to major conservation easement, contamination, and adjacent development; Basin diversion was considered due to constraints. New off-site wet detention ponds were considered. Floodplain impacts were estimated using best available GIS data. New off-site wet detention ponds were considered.

D2 I-95 Bridge

I-10 PD&E for Santa Rosa/Okaloosa and Leon County

Client: FDOT District Three
Location: Okaloosa, Santa Rosa Counties

  • I-10 from West of SR 281 (Avalon Boulevard) to West of Log Lake Road
    PD&E drainage analysis, Pond Siting Report, Location Hydraulics Report, and Bridge Hydraulics Memorandum for the widening from 4 to 6 lanes for 23.5 miles of limited access facility in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa Counties. Reviewed existing data on Blackwater River crossing to determine impacts of widening on proposed low member elevation. Developed existing condition models to establish the design high water stages for 45 existing cross drains. Closed basin criteria governed two of eight watersheds. Evaluated off-site wet detention ponds and on-site linear dry retention ponds. Performed detailed field review as part of existing conditions assessment of cross drains. 

  • I-10 from East of SR 261 (Capital Circle NE) to West of SR 59 (Gamble Road)
    PD&E drainage analysis, Pond Siting Report and Location Hydraulics Report for the widening from 4 to 6 lanes for 13 miles of limited access facility in Leon and Jefferson Counties.  Developed existing condition models to establish the design high water stages for 17 existing cross drains. Closed basin criteria governed four of five watersheds. Evaluated off-site wet detention ponds and on-site linear dry retention ponds. Performed detailed field review as part of existing conditions assessment of cross drains.

I-10 Santa Rosa bridge

SR 292 from W of SR 173 (Blue Angel Parkway) to E of SR 295 (Navy Boulevard)

Client: FDOT District Three
Location: Escambia County

PD&E Location Hydraulics, Pond Siting, and Bridge Technical Memorandum for the widening of the 5.0 mile, urban collector roadway.  Includes pre-application coordination with the FDEP. The project is coastal (Pensacola) with open basins with some direct discharges to tidally influenced waters.    

Aerial view of SR 292

Concept, Feasibility, Mobility Studies and PD&E 

Client: Central Florida Expressway Authority
Location: Various

PD&E pond siting analysis, floodplain evaluation, and location hydraulics analysis for the Concept, Feasibility and Mobility Studies: 

  • Poinciana Parkway Connector Expressway, Osceola and Polk Counties,
    30 square mile study area for a new limited access facility extending from Poinciana Parkway to I-4 and PD&E Study from Poinciana Parkway to CR 532. For CF&M, three interchange concepts were evaluated at I-4; Crossing of the Reedy Creek Mitigation Bank considered using environmentally sensitive criteria; FEMA regulated floodway includes Davenport Creek crossing; Extensive desktop review and assembly of data into GIS geodatabase for easier evaluation; Floodplain impacts estimated using the best available data for the FEMA mapped floodplains; Ponds were sized for attenuation and water quality volume during feasibility and sited during PD&E; Major hydraulic crossings were sized using velocity method for feasibility study and HY-8 for PD&E. Field review performed as part of PD&E analysis.

  • Southport Connector Expressway, Osceola and Polk Counties
    16 square mile study area, which connects Florida’s Turnpike to Poinciana Parkway. Evaluation of impacts to two regulated floodways – Reedy Creek and Tributary No. 3 to Reedy Creek; Impacts along Cypress Parkway were critical and best available data was used to site a single pond option for each basin; Seven conceptual alignments were evaluated east of the Reedy Creek Crossing and all included impacts to the C-35 (Southport Canal); Extensive desktop review and assembly of data into GIS geodatabase for easier evaluation; Floodplain impacts estimated using the best available data for the FEMA mapped floodplains; Ponds were sized for attenuation and water quality volume; Major hydraulic crossings were sized using velocity method.

  • Northeast Connector Expressway,  Osceola County
    86 square mile study area for a new limited access facility extending from the Osceola-Orange County line south to Turnpike Mainline. Within the Kissimmee chain of lakes and includes two FEMA regulated floodways, C-33 and C-34; Extensive desktop review and assembly of data into GIS geodatabase for easier evaluation; Floodplain impacts estimated using the best available data for the FEMA mapped floodplains; Ponds were sized for attenuation and water quality volume; Major hydraulic crossings were sized using velocity method

PD&E pond siting and location hydraulics:

Osceola Parkway Extension from Boggy Creek Road to Sunbridge Parkway, Orange and Osceola Counties.
10.5-miles of new alignment, limited access roadway. Included pre-application coordination with the SFWMD. Extensive coordination with developer’s and land owners; Evaluated four conceptual alignments; Extensive desktop review and assembly of data into GIS geodatabase for easier evaluation; Floodplain impacts estimated using the best available data for the FEMA mapped floodplains; Ponds were sized for attenuation and water quality volume; Major hydraulic crossings were sized using HY-8. Field review performed as part of PD&E analysis.   

Balmoral Group Australia 

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